• Privacy Policy

    marinanow.com and related domains

    Ex art. 14 EU law 679/2016 (“GDPR”)
    v. 18 May 2018

    Marinanow s.r.l. (known as the “Society”) is committed to the protection of the Personal Data entrusted to it. Therefore, the management and security of these are will be treated with the maximum care, in accordance with the with the requirements of the privacy legislation pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016.

    This privacy policy refers to the software platform on the site www.marinanow.com and related domains (known as “Marinanow”) and the mobile applications describes the activities of treatment of the personal data created by the Society.
    Marinanow is also present on the following social networks:
    Facebook: Marinanow;
    Twitter: @Marinanow;
    Instagram: @Marinanowitalia.

    This statement explains who we are, for what purposes we may use your personal data, how we handle it, who could it be communicated to, where it could be transferred and what your rights are.

    How does Marinanow work?

    Marinanow is a technological platform operating through the Internet and applications for mobile devices, through which companies or private citizens can quickly find or grant the availability of berths and / or boats.

    In particular, the service provided by Marinanow allows its users (hereinafter "User" or "Users") to come into contact with other users both businesses and not, boat owners or those who control the availability of boats (hereinafter "Shipowners") and berth owners or those who control the availability of berths in marinas or other spaces authorized for this purpose (hereafter "Marinas"), in order to reserve the use of boats or berths for a certain period of time, with or without the presence of a skipper, in addition to various additional services made available by Users, the Shipowner, the Marinas and / or Marinanow (hereinafter "Reservations" or "Reservation"). For Users under this Privacy Policy, we mean customers looking for berths or boats, Shipowners and / or Marinas.

    Greater information on the functioning of Marinanow is detailing in the Terms and Conditions of the site.

    Who will control my data?

    In the role as Data Controller, your data will be treated by:
    Marinanow s.r.l. (hereafter “Holder”)
    P.IVA: 02485960906
    Via Lepanto n. 2
    07021 Arzachena (SS)
    Email: privacy@marinanow.com
    Tel: (+39) 0789.187.6702

    The Society entrusts the processing of personal data, for the purposes described below, both to employees or collaborators within the Society, who have been entrusted with the task of processing pursuant to art. 29 GDPR (the "Employees") and external suppliers for the same purposes, in compliance with art. 28 GDPR (the "Responsible"). The list of persons responsible for processing personal data is available at the headquarters of the Data Controller.

    The Society reserves the right to identify other Responsibles or substitute the current ones, updating the current privacy policy or making available a new list at the legal Headquarters of the Society.

    Our personnel and data processors are subject to periodic training on the regulations and rules on the Protection of Personal Data pursuant to art. 47, lett. N) GDPR.

    Which types of data does it cover?

    Name, Surname, fiscal codes, residential address, place of work, email, credit card details, cookies, data relating to the use of the site www.marinanow.com and related domains

    Why do you need my data?

    The holder of Your Data will use it exclusively for the following::

    • 1) Purposes related to the management of the contractual relationship and the provision of booking services and other services offered through www.marinanow.com and related domains; fulfillment of accounting and tax obligations; fulfillment of legal obligations; anti-money laundering controls; audits of a fiscal and accounting nature; management of disputes; provision, support, updating and information regarding the services offered and the available features; managing contacts and sending messages, hosting and backend infrastructure;
    • 2) 2) Purposes related to marketing activities: with your specific consent, your data will be processed for the following purposes: market research; economic and statistical analyzes; updating on training initiatives, marketing; sending of advertising / informative / promotional material and updates on initiatives, promotions and offers from the Holder or third-party companies operating in collaboration with the Holder, also in relation to programs and promotions, including online, aimed at rewarding and / or retaining loyalty customers; communications and information on the activities of the Holder and on the events in which the Holder takes part.

    The Society will carry out the treatment of the data:

    • a) based on your consent;
    • b) when it is necessary for the bookings and the contractual fulfilment relative to the services provided by the Society;
    • c) when it is necessary to meet legal obligations, to which we are subject to (e.g. fiscal obligations, retribution, social security, anti-terrorism checks);
    • d) when the treatment is necessary to pursue a legitimate interest.

    It follows that the provision of personal data is mandatory for the purposes set out in point 1.

    The purpose referred to in point 2 does not derive from a legal obligation and the conferment of the relative consent is optional.

    Any partial or total failure to provide the data will result in the partial or total impossibility of achieving the aforementioned purposes.

    The entity and the adequacy of the Data provided will be assessed from time to time, in order to determine the resulting decisions and avoid the processing of data exceeding the purposes pursued.

    We will not use your personal data for any other purpose other than those described in this statement, unless we inform you in advance and, where necessary, obtain your consent.

    How will you use my data?

    The Society's objective is the protection of the data of its customers, stamping their treatment on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency.

    We inform you, therefore, that your personal data will be processed, through the use of tools and procedures suitable to ensure maximum security and confidentiality, through archives and paper, with the aid of digital media, computer and telecommunications.

    The communications referred to in point 2) above may take place in traditional ways (e.g. paper mail, phone calls with operators), automated (e.g., phone calls without operators) and similar (e.g. fax, e-mail, sms, mms).

    However, you have the right to exercise the right of opposition that, in the absence of your indication to the contrary, will be referred to both traditional and automated communications.

    Where are my data stored?

    Your data are stored in digital and electronic format on the computers used by the Company, the Manager and the Employees, as well as with the help of the following Clouds:


    How long will you store my information?

    Your personal data will be stored, starting from their receipt / update, for a period consistent with the purposes of treatment indicated above.

    Below are the duration of the different treatments:

    Category Duration Main regulatory references
    Users 5 - 10 years art. 2948 of the Italian Civil Code which provides for a period of 5 years for periodic payments; art. 2220 of the Italian Civil Code which provides for the keeping of accounting records for 10 years; art. 22 of the D.P.R. September 29, 1973, n.600.
    Users, for marketing purposes (both first-party and third-party) and profiling In compliance with the terms prescribed by law for the type of activity and in any case until the revocation of consent or until the exercise of the right of opposition art. 21 Reg. EU 2016/679.

    Do you share my information with other parties?

    For the purposes referred to in point 1, and therefore for the management and execution of the contractual relationship, your data may be disclosed to the Marinas, the Shipowners and other Users involved in the booking process. If the User does not accept this Privacy Policy, the Company cannot provide its services and a Booking cannot be completed.

    Only with express approval, your data may be disclosed to third-party companies for marketing purposes. Third-party companies operate in the following categories: telephony, internet service providers, insurance, banking services, maritime and naval services, tourism, automotive, sports and entertainment services.

    For all the purposes indicated in this statement your data may be disclosed also abroad, inside and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided by the current legislation, subject to verification that the country in question ensure an "adequate" level of protection.

    The Data will also be processed by adequately trained internal resources of the Society's offices, operating as authorized personnel to process the Data.

    Access to the archived Data may be carried out only by public authorities, in the cases and methods provided for by the laws in force, in the event of legal disputes.

    Your personal data are not subject to disclosure.

    What are my rights?

    At any time, you will have the right to ask for:

    • a) access to your personal data;
    • b) their correction in case of inaccuracy;
    • c) their cancellation;
    • d) the limitation of their treatment.

    You also have the right:

    - to oppose their treatment:

    • if treated for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Society;
    • if processed for direct marketing purposes;

    - the right to their portability, that is to receive, in a structured format, in common use and readable by automatic device, the personal data supplied by you.

    We will handle your request with the utmost commitment to ensure the effective exercise of your rights. Finally, you will have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor).

    Can I revoke my consent after I have granted it?

    Yes, you can revoke, at any moment, your consent, without any rights to:

    • prejudice the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;
    • prejudice further processing of the same data based on other legal bases (for example, contractual obligations or legal obligations to which the Society is subject).

    I have some other questions…

    For more information on this or on any privacy topic, or if you wish to exercise your rights or withdraw your consent, you can contact us directly at privacy@marinanow.com

    This Privacy Policy was last updated 24th May 2018.

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